Are the online Balanced Body Pilates certification options available for me to take on my own time at my own pace?

Are the online Balanced Body Pilates certification options available for me to take on my own time at my own pace?

All our online Pilates teacher training certification modules must be joined online live.

You must be present, have your camera on, and participate during the entire module. Everyone taking our online modules is only taking online, and people join us for these online Pilates certification modules worldwide. The fact that we teach these only online live allows us to display our participants in a large format, which makes the experience very similar to in-person modules.

You can expect to connect to everyone online in the training program and form friendships you will carry on in your Pilates teacher training journey. You also have the opportunity to join our online mentor program, which will help you stay on track to fulfill the required personal practice, student teaching, and observation hours necessary to apply to test out.

Our mission is to guide and support our online learners just as we do with our in-person learners. Separating the two learning methods has proven to be a very effective way to learn all the necessary skills to become an excellent Pilates instructor, whether you choose our online option or in person.

Can I get Pilates certified through Balanced Body online?

Can I get Pilates certified through Balanced Body online?

Yes! At ALIGN, we offer online-only intensive for Balanced Body Mat Pilates teachers, training certification, and Reform Pilates teacher training certification. You can also take movement principles and anatomy online as well.

At ALIGN Pilates Studios, These modules are taught only to online participants, allowing us to connect with each person online and give you the support and guidance you need to become a certified Pilates instructor through our online learning options.

Can I become a Balanced Body certified Pilates instructor if I’ve already taken another Pilates certification program?

Can I become a Balanced Body certified Pilates instructor if I’ve already taken another Pilates certification program?

If you are certified through another Pilates certification program, you can apply for the bridge program program to become Balanced Body Pilates certified. Balanced Body will review the certification program you went through and determine which modules you will need to take Balanced Body to test out and then become a Balanced Body Pilates certified instructor.