Are the online Balanced Body Pilates certification options available for me to take on my own time at my own pace?

Are the online Balanced Body Pilates certification options available for me to take on my own time at my own pace?

All our online Pilates teacher training certification modules must be joined online live.

You must be present, have your camera on, and participate during the entire module. Everyone taking our online modules is only taking online, and people join us for these online Pilates certification modules worldwide. The fact that we teach these only online live allows us to display our participants in a large format, which makes the experience very similar to in-person modules.

You can expect to connect to everyone online in the training program and form friendships you will carry on in your Pilates teacher training journey. You also have the opportunity to join our online mentor program, which will help you stay on track to fulfill the required personal practice, student teaching, and observation hours necessary to apply to test out.

Our mission is to guide and support our online learners just as we do with our in-person learners. Separating the two learning methods has proven to be a very effective way to learn all the necessary skills to become an excellent Pilates instructor, whether you choose our online option or in person.

Where can I fulfill the required outside hours for certification?

Where can I fulfill the required outside hours for certification?

If you are part of our mentor program, you can utilize our ALIGN east studio location, our Teacher Training Center, to fulfill your hours within the peer group and possibly have the chance to become an employee at our Teacher Training Center, where you have the opportunity to teach privates in classes and get paid while you are fulfilling your hours.

If you are not part of our mentor program, you will ask your friends, your family, and anyone you know to let them teach you so that you can fulfill your student teaching hours. Anytime you take a Pilates class anywhere, either online, within a studio, or on your own, you can count those towards your personal practice hours. You must also fulfill observation hours, so you will reach out to studios around town to see if you can come to observe or watch classes online to meet these hours. Often studios outside our Teacher Training Center will require you to pay a rental fee to use their studio equipment to fulfill your student teaching hours.